Fill in the blanks
1.Sizeof operator can be Overloaded
in Operator Overloading.[T/F]. False
2. :: Operator can’t be Overloaded.[T/F].
3. Write a type of overloading 2 (Function
Overloading , Operator Overlading)
Answer the following Question
(10 marks)
1.Write a Program for Arithmetic
Operator Overloading Program
#include <iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class a { private: int data; public: void getvalue() { cin>>data; } a operator+(a
ob) { a t; t.data=data + ob.data; return t; } a operator-
(a ob) { a t; t.data = data - ob.data; return t; } a operator* (a ob) { a t; t.data = data * ob.data; return t; } a operator/ (a ob) { a t; t.data = data / ob.data; return t; } a operator<(a ob) { a t; t.data = data < ob.data; return t; } a operator>(a ob) { a t; t.data = data > ob.data; return t; } int display() { return data; } }; void main() { a obj1, obj2, sum, sub,mul,div,lt,gt; clrscr(); cout<<"enter
an integer value for obj1: "; obj1.getvalue(); cout<<"Enter
an integer value for obj2: "; obj2.getvalue(); sum= obj1+obj2; sub=obj1-obj2; mul=obj1*obj2; div=obj1/obj2; lt=obj1<obj2; gt=obj1>obj2; cout<<"Addition
result is = "<<sum.display()<<endl; cout<<"Subtraction
result is = "<<sub.display()<<endl; cout<<"Multiplication
result is ="<<mul.display()<<endl; cout<<"Division
result is = "<<div.display()<<endl; cout<<"Less
than result is = "<<lt.display()<<endl; cout<<"greater
than result is = "<<gt.display()<<endl; getch(); } |
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