Java Interfaces and Packages & java.util Package



Interfaces and Packages & java.util Package


Fill in the blanks


1.Write a keyword for interface implements

2.Write a keyword for class to class extends

3.Write a keyword for class to interface implements

4.Collection of class and object is called package

5.We can use one file to another program by using  import .[T/F] True.

6.Vector implements a dynamic array.

7.One of the ways to store information for fast lookup is a hase table.

8.To make use of classes within different packages , the import statement is used.

9.Obtained the element at a specific location elementAt() method is used.

10.To remove an element  removeElement()  method is used.

Answer the Following Questions

                                                                (4 marks)

1.Write a program to calculate area of rectangle & area of circle using Interface

File name:

interface Area


        final static double pi=3.14;

        double compute(double x,double y);


File name:

class Rect1 implements Area


         public double compute(double x, double y)





File name:

class Circle implements Area


         public double compute(double x, double y)





File name:

class InterfaceTest


         public static void main(String args[])


         Rect1 r=new Rect1();

         Circle c=new Circle();

         Area area;


         System.out.println("Area of the Rectangle = "+area.compute(10,20));


           System.out.println("Area of the Rectangle = "+area.compute(10,0));



2.Write a program for Vector

File name:

import java.util.*;

 public class VectorDemo {

    public static void main(String []args) {

         Vector<String> vectStr = new Vector<String>(); //Declaring a Vector in Java




        //Displaying vector elements

        System.out.println("The Vector elements are:");


        for (int i=0;i<vectStr.size();i++){






Answer the Following Questions

                                                                (10 marks)

1.Write a program a package using Math function

 File Name :

package Math;

public class MathFun


public int fact(int num)



        return 1;




public int square(int num)




public int cube(int num)




public int sum(int a,int b)




public float sum(float a, float b)





public float multiply(float a, float b)





//File Name:

import Math.MathFun;

class PackTest


  public static void main(String args[])


 MathFun mf=new MathFun();




System.out.println("Sum of Two Interger:"+mf.sum(5,5));

System.out.println("Sum of Two float Number:"+mf.sum(5.5f,5.3f));




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