Python Set and Dictionary




       Fill in the blanks


       1. Set will allow duplicate values .[T/F]. False

       2.a={}.  print(type(a))=  <class 'dict'>

       3.a={2,2,2,3,4,45,5,5,5,5}.print(type(a)) = <class 'set'>

       4.a={1,3}.a.add(5)  {1,3,5}

       5.a={1,2,3}.a.update([4,5],{1,6,8}) = {1,3,4,5,6,8}

       6.N={1,2,3}.N.discard(3)  {1,2}

                7.a={'A','E','I','O','U'}. print(a.pop()) =   A 

       8.discard not raise any error if element not found in the set.[T/F].  True

       9.Write  a syntax of dictionary   key:value

       10.a={'name':'kavin','age':15}.a['age']=20. print(a)   {'name':'kavin','age':'20'}

       11.s={1:1,2:8,3:27,4:64}.print(s.pop(4)) = 64

       12.a={'flower':1},b={'flower':1}.cmp(a,b)  =   0 

       13.a={1:'apple',2:'mango'}.a.keys() =  [1,2]

       14. a={1:'apple',2:'mango'}.a.values() =  ['apple','mango']

       15. a={1:'apple',2:'mango'}.a.items() = [(1,'apple'),(2,'mango')]

       16. num={1:1,2:4,3:9,4:16,5:25}.print(6 in num) = False

       17. num={1:1,2:4,3:9,4:16,5:25}.print(4 in num) = True

       18. a={1:'apple',2:'mango'}.a.len() = 2

       19. a={1:'apple',2:'mango'}.a.has_key('flower') =   0 

       20.a={3,4,5,6,7}.b={3,6,8,9,1}. print(a&b) = set([3,6])



       Answer the following questions

                                                              (4 marks)

       1.Write a program for set union,set intersection,set difference,set symmetric difference

Python set Operations

> > > SET_A  =  {3,4,5,6,7}

> > >SET_B   =  {3,6,8,9,1}

Set Union

SA = {3,4,5,6,7}

SB = {3,6,8,9,1} 

#Using / operator


#Using union() method



set([1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

set([1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

Set Intersection

SA = {3,4,5,6,7}

SB = {3,6,8,9,1}

Using & operator

print (SA & SB) 

Using  intersection()  method



set([3, 6])

set([3, 6])


Set Difference 

 SA = {3,4,5,6,7}

SB = {3,6,8,9,1}

Element  unique to SA

print("Element only in SA set ")

Using - operator

print(SA - SB)

Using difference () method


Element  unique to SB

print("Element only in SA set ")

print(SB - SA)

Print (SB.difference(SA))


Element Only in SA set

set([4, 5, 6])

Element  Only in SB set

set([8, 1, 9]) 

Set Symmetric Difference

 Element not common in both sets

SA = {3,4,5,6,7}

SB = {3,6,8,9,1}

Using ^ operator

print(SA ^ SB) 

Using symmetric_difference() method

print(SA. symmetric_difference(sb))


set([1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9])

set([1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9])


       2.Write a program for set built in function

Nset = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,}

print("\n actual set value =",Nset)

print("\n maximum of Nset ={}".format(max(Nset)))

print("\n minimum of Nset = {}".format(min(Nset)))

print("\n sum of Nset = {}".format(sum(Nset)))

print("\n any false value in Nset ={} is ".format(any(Nset)))

print("\n all true value in Nset = {}", .format(all(Nset)))

print("\n sorted value of Nset = {} ".format(sorted(Nset)))

print("\n length of Nset = {}".format(len(Nset)))

       3.Write a program for dictionary built-in function

Built - in method


> > > dict2 = {'country': 'india','code':91 }

> > > dict2.has_key('country')


> > >

> > > dict2['country']


> > >

> > > dict2.has_key('number')



> > > dict2.keys()

['country', 'code']

> > >

> > > dict2.values()

[91, 'india']

> > >

> > > dict2.items()

(['code',91), ('country', 'india')]

> > >

> > > for eachkey in dict2.keys():

... print 'dict2 key', eachkey, 'has valus',




> > > dict2keys = dict2.keys()

> > > dict2keys.sort()

> > > for eachkey in dict2keys:

...    print 'dict2 key', eachkey, 'has value',

dict2 [eachkey]


dict2 key country has value india

dict2 key code has value 91


       4.Write a program for dictionary method

marks = {}.fromkeys(['math','english','science'], 0)


Output: {'English': 0, 'math': 0, 'science': 0}

for item in marks.item():




('science', 0)

('math', 0)

('english', 0)]


       Answer the following questions

                                                       (10 marks)

       1.Write a program to find the two  team players details using SET

Team_A = set()                       

Team_B = set()

print("\n Enter playar name to add in Team A/n")

While True:

       str = input()


        ch = input("Add[y/n]

       if ch in {'n', 'N'}:


print("\n Enter playar name to add in Team B/n")

While True:

      str = input()


      ch = input("Add[y/n]

      if ch in {'n', 'N'}:


print ("/n Team A Players List:",Team_A)

print ("/n Team B Players List:",Team_B)

print ("/n Players only in Team A: ", Team_A:".difference(Team_B))

print ("/n Players only in Team B: ", Team_B:".difference(Team_A))

print ("/n Players in both Teams: ",Team_A.intersection (Team_B))



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