Java Introduction




Fill in the blanks

1.Who is the author of java  James Gosling

2.Java name before called as ‘oak’

3. java language is developed by Sun Microsystem company

4.Which year was java released 1995

5.Java is Object Oriented Programming Language.[T/F].  True.

6.Write a java anyone of feature Robust

7.Java is compiler language.[T/F] . False

8.Java is Platform dependent.[T/F].False

9.JDK means Java development kit

10.JRE means Java Runtime Environment

11.JVM means Java Virtual Machine

12.Java is Interpreter Language.

13.How many parts presents in java development environment 2 (Java Compiler,Java Interpreter)

14.Write java single line comment //

15. Write java Multiline comment /*     */

16.Write a syntax for java compilation javac

17. Write a syntax for java Run java filename

18.Write a newline escape sequence \n

19.JAVA SE means Standard Edition

20.JAVA EE means Enterprises Edition


Answer the Following Questions

                                                                             (4 marks)

1.Write java History ,Features.

Java authorà James Gosling, found java in 1991.

Java first names "Oak" but the copyright problem to Oak was renamed as "java"in 1995.


Features of Java:


*Simple                              *Portable

*Object oriented              *Interpreted

*Network-savvy               *High performance

*Robust                              *Multithreaded

*Secure                              *Dynamic

*Architecture Neutral


2.Write a  sample program.

class HelloWorld{

 //Your program begins with a call to main().

public static void main (String args[]){

        System.out.println("Hello World!");



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